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Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

H. Slamet family :D

idul fitri 1432 H, August 30 2011, me and family celebrate it at Yogyakarta with my H. Slamet family.

i am with my lovely aunty "Nurjanah" and my little cousin "Kaisa"

its my lovely family xoxo

love them so much

happy iedul fitri ƪ(˚▽˚)ʃ


Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

belajar berhijab modern

aku, nanda dan puput awalnya iseng² browsing waktu nunggu ujian kursus di LePKom E-commerce, liat² blog fashion Diana Rikasari terus sampai buka blog fashion punya Suci Utami
akhirnya jadi pengen juga belajar memakai hijab yang mode
rn seperti para hijabers community.. akhirnya coba-coba deh tutorial memakai hijab yang bagus dari video youtube mba Suci .. tutorialnya bagus banget.. jadi bener² pengen nyobain pake hijab seperti mereka.

Tapi dari akunya juga harus pede biar bisa keliatan bagus, ini salah satu coba-coba.. semoga bagus ya.. hihihi (‾ʃƪ‾)

ini aku pakai waktu ke acara pengukuhan adeku Intan sebagai anggota paskibra :D

* pakaian batik,
*rok hitam,
* basic inner ninja (black),
* silky satin shawl (dark brown),
* brown flat shoes

hehee i love brown so much

oiya setelah pengibaran, aku dan ibuku menyempatkan diri untuk mengambil dokumentasi dengan adikku "Intan" yang telah menunaikan tugasnya sebagai pengibar bendera
she's look very beutiful

i wore chocolate batik (again) with black cardigan

Independence of Indonesia 66th

last month my sister, Intan was selected be a "paskibraka" for Tangerang Selatan city. everyday she did exercise until her skin be a dark but i know she enjoyed it. even though my dad didn't liked what she did it but she still struggle and had a higher spirit. i liked it :D

and now at ceremony Independence of Indonesia 66th, Augst 17-2011, Intan as "Baki 2" and her team paskibraka 8 and 17 had selected to flag raising .. wow i am so excited because this is a important ceremony who attending some official staff Tangerang Selatan city.

Today Intan and her team paskibraka 8 and 17 do the best for this ceremony :D two thumbs for you guys :D we'r proud of you all .. xoxo

oiya i take intan picture with her "paskibraka" clothes..

she looks so gorgeous and prestigious :D

love xoxo for my lovely sister. i proud of you ˘)ε˘`)